Friday, March 30, 2007

Lauren Dennis - Poster

Biography of Seymour Chwast:

Seymour Chwast was born in 1931 in the Bronx, New York. At an early age he began to draw and before he knew it, he had his first publication in Seventeen magazine at age 16. Much of his work was based on typography. He created several of his own fonts, all of which were plump, rounded, playful fonts. His work is widely recognized on posters, children’s books, magazines and advertisements. The vast majority of his work concentrated on pressing issues of his time. Many of his posters dealt with anti-war and environmental issues. He was almost always trying to convey a message through his art, and it was mostly done with type and simple images. His biggest inspiration was Walt Disney, because he loved how his work touched everybody and was always peppy. So he tried to create the same feelings from his works. Written by Lauren Dennis

Why I chose Seymour Chwast?

At the time of choosing my designer, I didn't really know who mine was, but after researching and reading up on him, I realized that I did recognize some of his more popular works. It actually turned out quite nicely that I chose him, because I really appreciate his work and think of him very highly.

What do you feel you "got out of" the project?

Well, the most of all the reasons is that it exposed me to many different artists; in varying styles and medium. Secondly, it gave me a great in-depth look at a very respected and famous designer, whose work I can now pinpoint and say "hey, I know who did that!"

Lauren is a sophmore at Appalachian State University majoring in Graphic Arts and Imaging Technology. She enjoys her job (High Country Signs), tennis, music, shopping and playing with her cat Max. Her family has owned a winery in Albemarle, NC called Dennis Vineyards since 1997.

Contact Lauren

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